Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mamak, Houston

There is a new Malaysian restaurant in town. The name, Mamak, conjures scents of Indian spices and images of curries cooked all day over slow fire. In Malaysia, mamak stalls are very popular among office workers and college students for a quick delicious lunch. This place certainly did not disappoint.

For our inaugural visit, we ordered nasi lemak, Singapore curry laksa and char kuay teow. The dishes, surprisingly, taste a lot like those from Banana Leaf - the other Malaysian restaurant in Houston. The biggest difference between these restaurants is the interior decor. The Mamak restaurant is decidedly more upscale, with gleaming tables and stylish plate presentations. We have been back a few more times since then, and generally, have been pleased with the food and service. The one dish that I would steer clear from at this place is the Assam Laksa. While the Assam Laksa at Banana Leaf is palatable, the one from Mamak is a bowl of dull sour soup with limp disintegrating rice noodles.

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